Flood 2006

Flood 2006

Flood 2006

Flood 2006

Flood 2006

Flood 2006

Flood 2006

Flood 2006

Flood 2006

Flood 2006

Flooding Mesa and Sunland Park August 2006

Área: Westside / Coronado

Fuente: Ellea Peagee

Cargado por: Ellea Peagee


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Flood 2006

Flooding August 2006 Corner of Mesa and Sunland Park.

Área: Westside / Coronado

Fuente: Ellea Peagee

Cargado por: Ellea Peagee


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Flood 2006

A severe weather system drenched the El Paso area during the month of August 2006. El Paso experienced unprecedented flooding. Here is the corner of Mesa and Sunland Park Drive

Área: Westside / Coronado

Fuente: Ellea Peagee

Cargado por: Ellea Peagee


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Mesa Street Flood - 2006

Image shows Mesa Street in El Paso, Texas during flood of August 2006.

Área: Westside / Coronado

Fuente: Ellea Peagee

Cargado por: Ellea Peagee


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Flood 2006

Muchas casas y negocios sufrieron inundaciones durante la inundación de 2006. Aquí hay un centro comercial en la esquina de Mesa y Sunland Park Drive en el oeste de El Paso.

Área: Westside / Coronado

Fuente: Ellea Peagee

Cargado por: Ellea Peagee


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Storm above downtown El Paso August 2006

Storm clouds above downtown El Paso August 2006. Storm systems pounded the area and caused widespread flooding.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Ellea Peagee

Cargado por: Ellea Peagee


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Storm above downtown El Paso August 2006

Photo of a storm system above downtown El Paso during the flood event of August 2006.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: Ellea Peagee

Cargado por: Ellea Peagee


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Flood 2006 Keystone Dam

The Keystone Dam retention basin during the flood event of August 2006.

Área: Upper Valley / Keystone Dam

Fuente: Ellea Peagee

Cargado por: Ellea Peagee


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Flood 2006 Keystone Dam

The Keystone Dam Retention Basin during Flood 2006. It captured an amazing amount of water and took weeks to drain.

Área: Upper Valley / Keystone Dam

Fuente: Ellea Peagee

Cargado por: Ellea Peagee


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Beautiful El Paso Poppy



Sra. Schuyler B. Marshall, presidente de JLEP

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JLEP Vamps to Vegas Program

Vampiresas de JLEP van a Las Vegas 1962

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Vampiresas de JLEP van a Las Vegas 1962

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Vampiresas de JLEP van a Las Vegas 1962

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Vampiresas de JLEP van a Las Vegas 1962

JLEP Vamps to Vegas Program Title Page

Jubileo del 80 aniversario de JLEP, Baloncesto de Media Noche

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Jubileo del 80 aniversario de JLEP, Baloncesto de Media Noche

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Jubileo del 80 aniversario de JLEP, Baloncesto de Media Noche

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