David Ochoa

David Ochoa

David Ochoa

David Ochoa

David Ochoa

David Ochoa

David Ochoa

David Ochoa

David Ochoa

David Ochoa

David Ochoa

David Ochoa

David Ochoa

David Ochoa

David Ochoa

David Ochoa - 1958

David Ochoa - la fotografía fue tomada en el sur central de El Paso, Texas.

Área: Central / South Central

Fuente: David Ochoa

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Pan American Karate Championship - 1974 - Video

Pan American Karate Championship - 1974 - Feb 23, 1974 - El Paso High School - El Paso, Texas.

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: David Ochoa

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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David Ochoa - 1995

David Ochoa is screening for a movie.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: David Ochoa

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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David Ochoa

David Ochoa - Primer campeón de peso pesado de El Paso.

Área: Central / Austin Terrace

Fuente: David Ochoa

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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David Ochoa

Campeón de peso Completo - Kickboxing contacto pleno del sudoeste.

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: David Ochoa

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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David Ochoa - Campeonato 1975- Video

Kickboxing contacto pleno del sudoeste - 18 de abril 1975 - Evento Principal: Pesos pesados - David Ochoa, El Paso vs Randy Cobb, de Abilene. David Ochoa se convirtió en el campeón de peso pesado.

Área: Central / El Paso High

Fuente: David Ochoa

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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David Ochoa's Aunt

David Ochoa's aunt with her friend. On right of the image Matilde Flores with her friend to the left.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: David Ochoa

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Austin's Cheerleaders - 1974

Left to Right: Dodie Cortez, Debbie Louie, Sandy Martinez, Josie Martinez, Debbie Villareal. Austin High School El Paso, Texas.

Área: Central / Austin Terrace

Fuente: David Ochoa

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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David Ochoa and Mercy

David Ochoa and Mercy out on town in El Paso, Texas.

Área: Central / Clardy Fox

Fuente: David Ochoa

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Julia Flores - 1937 - El Paso, Texas

Julia Flores in 1937- mother of David Ochoa.

Área: Central / South Central

Fuente: David Ochoa

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Salvador Ochoa and Julia Ochoa - 1939

Salvador Ochoa and Julia Ochoa downtown El Paso, Texas.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: David Ochoa

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Marie Ochoa and Madlen Ochoa

Marie Ochoa and Madlen Ochoa - daughter and niece of David Ochoa.

Área: Out of Area / Out of Area

Fuente: David Ochoa

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Flores Family - El Paso, Texas

Flores Family in South Central, El Paso, Texas.

Área: Central / South Central

Fuente: David Ochoa

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Julia Flores

Julia Flores in South Central in El Paso, Texas.

Área: Central / South Central

Fuente: David Ochoa

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Jennifer Han y David Ochoa - 2016

Jennifer Han y David Ochoa en el pesaje en Southwest University Park. Han se enfrentará a Calixta Silgado de Colombia después de que su oponente programada, Lillian Martínez de la República Dominicana no se presentó para su entrevista de visa de esta semana. Jennifer Han y Calixta Silgado de Colombia pelearán el 29 de abril, 2016 a las 7 pm en Southwest University Park - El Paso, Texas.

Área: Central / Downtown

Fuente: David Ochoa

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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Más sobre la misma comunidad-colección

The Making of the Mural

Alamito Park painting the Virgin Mural

Margie's Quince

Margie with friends with champagne glasses. The quince dress was ...

Christmas Nativity Scene

Photo taken in living room, carolers from Bowie would come stop ...

Cruz Lopez's 15th Birthday

Cruz is with her parents in the kitchen

The Graduation Gown

Margie took the photo of Raul (father) wearing his son's ...

Heading to Bowie Graduation

Outside of apt, sister Lorenza standing in front her brother's ...

Playing with Puppies

Backyard of 1120 5th St., playing with the puppy, Juan Lopez ...

Family photo circa 1975

Taken in the living room during Christmas (names are listed)

10th Birthday

Sister Cruz 10th Birthday, taken in the kitchen, she is blowing ...

Kindergarten Graduation - 1960's

Houchen Community Center, kindergarten was taught there in El ...

First Holy Communion

San Ignacio Tina's First Holy Communion(names listed)

American Indian Dance

Taken by Foustino Marez at Alamo Elem. In the gym. Performing a ...

Guillen Freshman Football team

Football Field at Guillen, Ernestina was dating #80 Ramon ...

Guadalupe Francisca Salazar

707 S. Park Apt. 4, they had just gotten water about 1 1/2 ...

Luis on Bike

In front of 707 S. Park Apt. 4.

1955 Graduation - Class St. Ignatius - El Paso, Texas

Graduation of girls at St. Ignatius School - El Paso, Texas.

1955 grad. Class St. Ignatius

Saint Ignatius Catholic School 1955 male grads with parish ...

Miguel Martinez Jr. in toy car

Miguel in the toy car in court yard

In the Alley Behind house

In the alley behind their house on 1015 S. Santa Fe, they used ...

Snow - 1950's

Miguel Jr, wearing muffs, snowman and sister Annie

Martinez Family

Miguel Jr, Miguel Sr., Uncle Henry and Annie next snow man

Miguel Jr. and Annie - 1950's

Brother and sister next to chicken coup with snow


Backyard on 1015 S. Santa Fe, Miguel and Annie
