Douglass High School - Leatrice Mathis McKinney - 1940
Preparatoria Douglass - Leatrice Mathis McKinney - 1940

Preparatoria Douglass - Leatrice Mathis McKinney - 1940

Attended college in Kansas City, Missouri. Married Lonnis McKinney in 1941. Worked as an elevator operator during the war while her husband was in the service. Moved to Los Angeles and now works as a tabulator and biller in the order department for a manufacturing concern. She has one daughter, Priscilla Andrea and one son, Lonnis Frank, Jr. and two grandsons. Resides in Los Angeles, California.

Área: Central / Chamizal

Fuente: Douglass High School

Cargado por: El Paso Museum of History


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