JLEP- Ending the Silence 2020-2021 Project

JLEP- Ending the Silence 2020-2021 Project
For the past three years, the Junior League of El Paso (JLEP) partnered with National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) to present Ending the Silence to area middle school and high school students as an in-person event. However, this was not possible due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In its place, JLEP’s Ending the Silence Committee created mental health awareness bags and distributed them to the students as well as local nonprofit organizations. Our committee distributed 600 mental health bags and 2000 Parents and Teachers as Allies booklets. The mental health bags contained brochures about NAMI and Ending the Silence as well as mental health resources and resources on talking about and breaking the stigma surrounding mental health as well as mindfulness activities, crayons, pencils, and brain stress balls.
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