JLEP- Horses for Heroes 2020-2021 Project

JLEP- Horses for Heroes 2020-2021 Project

The Horses for Heroes project works in partnership with Compadres Therapy, Inc. to provide Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL) and therapy activities to the Borderland military and veteran community. This year we hosted a series of ‘Peaceful Partnerships’ EFL events, for veterans through the local mental services provider nonprofit Endeavors, as well as for a Ft. Bliss veterans volunteer group. The programs offered through this project allow adults and children to interact directly with the therapy horses under the guidance of trained professionals, fostering trust and respect for both humans and animals alike and promoting skills that aid participants in their daily life.

Área: Westside / Mission Hills

Fuente: Junior League of El Paso, Inc.

Cargado por: Junior League of El Paso


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