Pioneering Desktop Computers

Pioneering Desktop Computers

Pioneering Desktop Computers

Pioneering Desktop Computers

Pioneering Desktop Computers

Pioneering Desktop Computers

Pioneering Desktop Computers

Pioneer of the Desktop CAD System

In 1973, Holguin Corporation of El Paso TX announces HolguinCAD, the first Desktop Computer Aided Design and Drafting System. This pioneering innovation is 10 years ahead of PC developments by Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. In 1973, HolguinCAD provides a complete software suite of Design, Drafting and Data Management applications. HolguinCAD surpasses the mainframe computers of this period, as first time computer users achieve 3-to-1 productivity gains in the first 90-days ... and at 1/10 the cost. The CAD systems on mainframe computers cost in range of $150,000-to-$250,000 per workstation.

Creator: Rosario Holguin

Area: Central / Downtown

Uploaded by: Hector Holguin Jr.


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The Desktop is the Future

"In 1966, I return to El Paso and begin new career with Cremans Inc. , the largest Consulting Engineering firm in El Paso, I have been spoiled by the computer technology of Aerospace. I begin to look in technical catalogs for affordable alternatives. I find a small computer that is marketed by a national supplier of engineering equipment. Ms. Destiny takes credit for finding the PDS-1020 Digital Computer. The PDS 1020 supports an internal machine language that makes it programmable for modular applications. The unit is built into a large desk with specifications and processing features similar to Teletype stations at the Douglas Space Center.", Hector Holguin, Jr.

Creator: Rosario Holguin

Area: Eastside / El Paso Int'l Airport

Uploaded by: Hector Holguin Jr.


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The HolguinCAD Champion

Dr. An Wang 1920-2000: Dr. An Wang was Founder and CEO of Wang Laboratories. In decade of 1970s, Dr. Wang championed the success of HolguinCAD in North America. WANG LABORATORIES INC. NATIONAL MARKETING AND SALES CAMPAIGN OF 1973: Roland Boisvert, VP of Marketing, announces new National Sales Campaign for a pioneering CAD desktop system ("HolguinCAD") from Holguin Corporation of El Paso TX. The National Campaign will be fully supported by Wang in 18 major U.S. cities and 3 Canadian cities.

Creator: Rosario Holguin

Area: Central / Downtown

Uploaded by: Hector Holguin Jr.


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The Worldwide Launch

Hewlett Packard ("HP") is proud to announce HolguinCAD for the HP1000 computer, which is a major breakthrough to lead the worldwide CAD market. The HolguinCAD/HP 1000 system outperforms all competitive systems and at a fraction of the cost. Worldwide customers range from large Fortune 500-type firms to the smallest of Engineering & Architectural Design and Drafting firms; and wherein all HolguinCAD users achieve the lead in Global Compettiveness.

Creator: Rosario Holguin

Area: Westside / Mesa Hills

Uploaded by: Hector Holguin Jr.


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The MountainTop of NASDAQ

In 1980s-1990s, this worldwide record was established by Holguin Corporation followed by 1987 merger with Accugraph Corporation of Toronto Canada. Hecto Holguin becomes CEO of Accugraph and develops MountainTop CAD. The record of MountainTop is also based on first time computer all CAD markets (listed in figure) and the Telecommunications Industry. In this period, Accugraph Corporation had distributors in 30 countries. In 1995, CEO Hector Holguin achieves NASDAQ listing with 55 times ROI to initial investors; and by year 2000, the $395 Million acquisition by Nortel Networks to drive the emerging Internet Economy.

Creator: Rosario Holguin

Area: Out of Area / Out of Area

Uploaded by: Hector Holguin Jr.


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Texas Science Hall of Fame

Exemplary Achievement in Science | Hector Holguin, Engineering & Technology | 2002 Hector Holguin joins Astronaut Eugene Cernan in the Texas Science Hall of Fame. Eugene Cernan received this award for year 2001.

Creator: Rosario Holguin

Area: Out of Area / Out of Area

Uploaded by: Hector Holguin Jr.


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Accugraph Corporation

The El Paso Headquarters of Accugraph Corporation. CEO Hector Holguin is seated in front row center (brown jacket, white pants). The 1987 Crash of Stock Market caused the bankruptcy of Kinburn Technology of Ottawa Canada, a major owner of Accugraph Corporation. Royal Bank of Canada demanded $10 Million from Accugraph, which was part of $600 Million owed by Kinburn to Syndicate of Banks. TO RISE FROM THE ASHES: Scotia-McLeod Business Report: February 1995 by Cheryl Nesbitt and Byron Berry: “A Company Transformed: Accugraph Corporation is a real business whose management has successfully directed the company through the roughest times — when it was often difficult to convince potential customers that it would survive and there was limited capital to plan for the future. Through all this, the company held together with very little turnover, developed new product and built an impressive, blue-chip customer list. ” TORONTO GLOBE & MAIL of February 21, 1995, by Matthew Ingram, Investment Reporter: “The high-octane performance of Accugraph’s stock over the past six months. The stock has leaped almost 200%, which represents the Company’s commanding hold on all of its markets.” And ready for most successful NASDAQ listing (55 times ROI to initial investors). PC WEEK Magazine of December 17, 1994, the Broadview Report: “Accugraph Corporation of El Paso, Texas, is one of the fastest growing U.S. companies in the high-technology sector.” ACCUGRAPH SETS RECORD SALES AND PROFIT FOR 1994 El Paso TX, March 9, 1995: Accugraph Corporation announces results for 1994. Sales for 1994 are $24.8 million, a 76% increase over 1993. Net income for 1994 is $5.1 million — an increase of 374% over 1993.

Creator: Rosario Holguin

Area: Westside / Mesa Hills

Uploaded by: Hector Holguin Jr.


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