Chief Gregory K. Allen - 2008
Jefe de policia Gregory K. Allen - 2008

Chief Gregory K. Allen - 2008

Gregory K. Allen was appointed Chief of Police of Police Department of El Paso Texas on March 31, 2008. Chief Allen is a 38-year veteran of the El Paso Police Department. He has worked as a Patrol Officer, Training Specialist at the Police Academy, Sergeant, Lieutenant, and Deputy Chief. Chief Allen has served in several high profile units of the Department including the Gang Task Force, SWAT, the Tactical Section, Auto Theft Task Force and Commander of the Dignitary Protection Team. During his tenure in the Tactical Section and SWAT, he served as a field officer as well as a supervisor. He was the first and only supervisor of a full time SWAT Unit. Chief Allen is a graduate of the University of Texas at El Paso, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology in l975. He has been involved in the study of martial arts for approximately forty years. In 1995 he was inducted into the El Paso Boxing and Martial Arts Hall of Fame. Chief Allen has supported the Police Department and its hard-working employees, who continue to provide service to the community. He sincerely believes in the truism that the street police officer is the most important person in the Department, which is why it is fitting that under his direction for the first time in the city’s history, El Paso was named “The Safest Large City” in the United States for four consecutive years from 2010 - 2013.

Area: Central / Downtown

Source: El Paso Police Department Photo Lab

Uploaded by: El Paso Police Department


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