ASARCO - 1950
ASARCO - 1950

ASARCO - 1950

Photograph: American Smelting and Refining Company - El Paso Smelting Works - Mechanical Department - November 16, 1950 ASARCO. ASARCO, originally known as the American Smelting and Refining Company, traces its origins to 1881, when Robert Safford Towne arrived in El Paso after touring the mines in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. Two years later he organized the Mexican Ore Company, a small plant that sampled and graded ore from the Mexican mines. In 1887 the ambitious Towne went to Argentine, Kansas, where he secured the backing of the Kansas City Consolidated Smelting and Refining Company for the construction of a major smelter in El Paso to process lead and copper ores from mines in Mexico and in the American Southwest. Towne bought 1,156 acres along the Rio Grande for $3,757, and within five months the El Paso Smelter, with a 100-foot high chimney and a workforce of 250, was ready to begin processing the high-grade Mexican ore. The community that grew up around the plant was called Smeltertown.

Area: Central / Smeltertown

Source: Ofelia Limon, Jose Limon, Elvira Limon, Carolina Limon, Nando Limon, and Beatriz Limon

Uploaded by: El Paso Museum of History


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