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 169 - 192 of 243 Search results

Thanksgiving - 1978 - El Paso, Texas

Aoy Elementary School celebrating Thanksgiving - 1978. In the ...

Aoy Courtyard - 1951

Aoy Courtyard - 1951 - Children playing in the courtyard.

Aoy Elementary Festival

Lucas Montano 1st Grade Class

Aoy Elementary Festival

Aoy Elementary Festival - El Paso, Texas.

Aoy Elementary Festival - 1982

Celebration, at old Aoy Elementary, El Paso TX

Aoy Elementary Coronation - 1970

Aoy Elementary Coronation - 1970

Aoy Elementary Festival

Virginia Crowl's 3rd Grade Class

Aoy Elementary-PTA Program - 1974

Aoy Elementary-PTA Program - 1974

Aoy Elementary Cheerleaders - 1947

May 16, 1947 -- Cheerleaders at Aoy Elementary School.

Aoy Elementary Wrestling Team

Coach Salvador Alburto

Typing Class - 1972

Typing class at Aoy Elementary School - 1972

Crossing the Street

Elisa Ayon-Teacher's Aide

Aoy Elementary May Coronation-Playground

Aoy Elementary May Coronation - 1940 - 1949. Children are in the ...

Singing at Aoy Elementary Bicentennial

Class 1A singing "Cielito Lindo"; Rita Jimenez & Manuel Olivas

Aoy Elementary May Coronation

Aoy Elementary May Coronation - 1940 -1949

Aoy Elementary May Coronation

Children playing in the courtyard - 1951 - Aoy Elementary School

Aoy Elementary Boys Basketball Team - 1967

Aoy Elementary Boys Basketball Team - 1967

Aoy Elementary Bicentennial - 1976

Aoy Elementary Bicentennial - 1976

Aoy Elementary Boys Basketball Team - 1965

Coach Manuel Aguirre and Aoy Elementary Boys Basketball Team - ...

Aoy Elementary Bicentennial - 1976

Aoy Elementary Bicentennial - 1976

Aoy Elementary Bicentennial - 1976

Aoy Elementary Bicentennial - 1976

Physical Education El Paso, Texas

Aoy Elementary School-- 1970 - 1979 -- students unknown.

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